Origins ~ Magical Mind

Once upon a time, a way long time ago, when I was twenty-five, I began reading lots and lots of books on the power of your subconscious mind.

A few years later, I began writing notes for a workbook, thinking I'd like to teach a class one day to help people find the magic inside their mind. I began to really observe how the outer world worked, and how my inner world could transform the experiences I encountered in my day-to-day activities.

Years later, I began teaching a twelve-week class. I called it Magical Mind. That workbook and class evolved into a bookMAGICAL MIND, MAGICAL LIFE: HOW TO LIVE A MAGICAL LIFE, FILLED WITH HAPPINESS AND LIGHT.

The basic premise of the class, and the book, is that the power of your mind is totally awesome. You have so much power within you; all you have to do is tap into it. The key to living a magical life, filled with happiness and light is a positive attitude.

You create your reality through your thoughts and feelings, and you have the power within you to create any reality you want and to make in real in your world.

We all have that magic and power inside us. We all have the ability to make that magic happen.

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