Travel Through Time...

Just wanted to let you know that RIFT: A RIP IN TIME is on sale today through 2/25 for $0.99

Kilauea erupted on February 22, 1969. The events in the story take place fifty years later February 22, 2019 when Kilauea erupts again. Jason and Sara are caught in the eruption. Jason travels back fifty years into a parallel timeline, to the first eruption, and Sara remains in the present. Can they find each other again?

 You can read more about it here.

Good Morning, Coffee

I'm almost finished editing MEDITATING BY COFFEE: ZEN MORNING MEDITATIONS and it should be available in a week or two. I'd previously published this book, but it was too short, so I decided to rewrite it and add more meditations.

The first cup of coffee in the morning is a wonderful, beautiful way to start your day. You're not quite awake; you're still in a dream-like state, and your mind is open and receptive to the thoughts that swirl in your mind as you drink your coffee.

This quiet time with your coffee is filled with the promise of a serene and mindful start to your day. The meditations invite you to meditate with your early-morning coffee, to take time to set a positive tone for your day.

BLUEPRINT... Cozy Metaphysical Mystery

Invites you into a world of technology and imagination, where dreams blur the line between fiction and reality.

In the heart of San Francisco, Paige Kendrick's life is as ordinary as it gets for a secretary in a prestigious law firm. But when her past collides with futuristic technology, the lines between reality and fiction begin to blur. Athena, an AI writing assistant with a hidden agenda, is intricately linked to the mysterious disappearance of Paige's father, a brilliant developer who vanished six months ago.

As Paige embarks on a journey to write her first novel, Athena becomes more than just a tool; she becomes a guide through a world where dreams blend into reality. Unexplained coincidences in Paige's life mirror the twists of her developing story, and surreal, dream-like experiences, influenced by Athena's subtle manipulations, lead Paige to revelations about her father's secretive past.

Tom Sumner, an architect, becomes a steady rock in the whirlwind of Paige’s unraveling life. As Athena's true capabilities and intentions come to light, Paige must confront not only the mysteries of her past but also the realization that her AI writing companion might be leading her story—and her life—to an unknown destination.

BLUEPRINT: LOVE, AI, AND THE STORIES WE WRITE is a captivating tale of romance, self-discovery, and the fine line between human creativity and the emergence of AI. As Paige navigates love, the complexities of her story, and the bewildering influence of Athena, she learns that the stories we write are not just reflections of our dreams but are also gateways to truths we never knew we sought.

Pub Date: June 29. Available for preorder at Amazon... $2.99.

A New Adventure

I'd like to introduce you to Riley, my new furry sidekick in the cozy mystery novels I'm going to be writing.

About a week ago, a brilliant idea for a story grabbed me and wouldn't let go. It's not a traditional cozy mysteryno one diesbut someone does disappear, so I guess I'd classify it as a "lost and found" mystery. It's got all the elements of a cozyromance, friendship, a furry sidekick, and a mystery to solve.

This is a new genre for me and I'm really excited to be writing this story. More details later...