Echoes of Time

ECHOES OF TIME offers two of my books on reincarnation...

The Complete Do-it-Yourself Guide to Past Life Regression offers time tripping adventures into your soul. It gives step-by-step directions, interwoven with an in-depth script, for remembering and re-experiencing the events in your past lives, as well as offering sidetracks and side tripsinteresting adventures and excursions to explore along the way. 

Looking Into Your Future Lives looks at reincarnation from a simultaneous time-space perspective. It shows how the future interacts with and causes synchronous experiences in the present as it invites you to look through a mirror of time to see an expansive view of the past, the present, and the futureand how these time-spaces affect and alter one another.
Available on Amazon

Book of the Month ~ May

Have you ever wondered how time really works? What if time doesn't move in a straight line of past, present, and future? What if your future lives happen first... before your present life? 

Or what if your future lives are happening concurrently with your present life, just as events in your past lives are also happening in synchronous vibrations of energy, in harmony with the experiences in your present life?

Look at reincarnation in a new light from a simultaneous time-space perspective. What if all your past, present, and future lives—instead of happening separately—are happening at the same time in the present at various vibrations of energy, and the experiences in each directly influence and affect all your experiences in all your lives?

Rather than the past creating the present and shaping the future, this book explores how the future interacts with and causes the present. Looking into your future lives, or even just looking into the future in this life, through a future-focused perspective allows you to look deeply into your current experiences to see an expansive view of the past, the present, and the future, and how these time-spaces affect and alter one another.

You’re invited to look through the mirror of time into your past and future lives. You’ll find many ways to see and explore—through experiential visualizations, mind-opening meditations, and interactive exercises—all your experiences in more levels of awareness than the linear framework of time.

If you want to travel through the eternal NOW, through the multidimensional vibrations of all your experiences in all your lives, this book is the ultimate guide to traveling into and through the realms and realities your soul has experienced in its many travels through time.

Available on Amazon.